East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access

111 the A11gelus office, staff members work at the various tasks which a~~e involved in the production of the yearbook. 56 Angelus Combines Organization and Creativity Accordmg to the Angelus Creed, the best Angelus will be the one produced by the staff which is the perfect blend of creativity and organization. Each year the Angelus staff strives to reach excellence through a proper balance of these two factors. Every member of the staff has specific responsibilities to fulfill. Each person is placed in a position according to his skills, which may lie in the field of art, photography, writing or management. The staff is organized into sections and editorial and management positions. The ma– jority of the staff is composed of the section editors and their assistants. Every page in the book is assigned to some person who is respon- sible for its completion. The photographers take, develop and print all the pictures. The editorial staff checks material, chooses the type of print and paper to be used, and advises other members of the staff. The photo coordi– nator handles and organizes the many pictures which are taken. The job of the Business Manager is to take care of the sale of the Book and Angelus finances. Most of the people in the top positions have assistants who help them and learn their jobs so that graduating members can be replaced by experienced people. Each part of the Angelus is checked and re-checked until the completed book is ready to present to the student body.