East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access

Under the direction of Mr. Roland Roberts, the Marching bond ploys at a football game. Music Groups Contribute to School Activities Mus ic influences many school activities . Music 's rhythm and mood can mold emotions. A rousing march or song played by the band at football games can impart a feeling of enthu– siasm to the audience as well as to the players. Songs of the choruses can sooth or inspire . Music gives an opportunity for self-expression to both the musician and the listener. The music groups frequently contribute their time and talent to entertain the student body. In the annual Christmas program, the members of the Mixed chorus, Girls' ensemble, Concert choir and Concert orchestra presented holiday carols from many parts of the world. The Concert choir also sang in the assembly presenting East's Code of Conduct. Concert bond and Concert orchestra presented musical programs in two assemblies and at on evening performance. The Concert choir and the Girls' ensemble give many performances outside of the school, especially during the holiday season . The several bands and orchestras at East ore the Concert band, Marching bond, Bross and Percussion band, Woodwind bond, Con– cert orchestra, String orchestra and the Show orchestra. The Concert bond and the Concert orchestra perform on the radio and for the student body. The Marching band ploys at football games and in parades. The Show orchestra ploys for the All School show and for Council capers. 67