East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access
Stage crew members, under the direction of Mr. Arthur Bragg, prepare sets for the All School show. Freel Rothenberg and George Lawrence check the over– head lighting in preparation for on assembly. .. Stage Crew Important To School Functions In addition to receiving valuable training in stage crafts, the stage crew performs valu– able services to the school in making possible the many assemblies, programs and dances which are a vital part of school life. Under the direction of Mr. Arthur Bragg, sponsor; the group makes the sets for assemblies, operates the lighting and sound, builds thrones and bandstands for dances and helps the dance decorating committees. They also make tape recordings of most assemblies and programs. They have one period a day for class in– struction, but most of their work is done be– fore or after school.
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