East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access
A. scene fro111 "Blithe Spirit" is brought to life by Paul Fishman, Jeanne Rawlinson and Jeanne Miller. Gazing into the crystal ball ore Maurine Engle and Paul Fishman in a scene from "Blithe Spirit." lh Members of Drama Club Practice Dramatic Arts Each year the members of the Drama club presents to the students of East high an adap– tation of some famous play. This year, under the direction of Mr. Ralph Johnson, the Drama club presented "Blithe Spirit," an amusing fantasy by Noel Coward. The cast included Marcia Halladay as Edith, Jeanne Miller as Ruth, Paul Fishman as Charles, Monty Hoyt as Dr. Brodman, Elaine Case as Mrs. Brodman, Maurine Engle as Madame Arcati and Jeanne Rawlinson as Elvira. "Blithe Spirit" was shown Friday, November 13, in the East high auditorium.
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