East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access

Newspaper Theme is Basis For Red and White Day The fun and competition of Red and White day centered this year around a newspaper theme: 11 East High Times. 11 11 Comic Strip Caravan// was the name of the parade which began the day 1 s activities. The three classes competed for prizes for the best float. First place winner was the senior float which was taken from 11 PeanutS. 11 Sec– ond place went to the sophomore float of 11 Dennis the Menace . 11 Third place was won by the junior float based on 11 8 . C. 11 Several other floats were entered by clubs and indi– viduals. Second on the day 1 s agenda was the as– sembly 11 Premier. 11 Three skits were presented by the classes. First prize for the best skit went to the seniors/ second to the juniors/ and third to the sophomores. Ending the assembly was a beautiful crowning of the May Queen/ Christie Kirkpatrick. After these activities many students at– tended the city track meet which was held in the afternoon. The fun-filled day ended with the Red and White day dance/ 11 Patio Party. 11 With enthusiasm and regret both float committees dis– mantle their floats in the North court. 85