Cocoa High School 1951 Yearbook (Cocoa, FL) - Full Access
Delbert Stevens Mildred Spears Billie Jean Beal Johnny Williams Bobby Barnes David Gettings Dewitt Matthews Johnny Anderson Barbara Smith Tommy Fortenberry Ida Johnson Ginger Gray Jean Stewart Bettye Kimery Howard Gould LaVerne Spooner John Gordon Gretchen Leyda J. D. Wells Joanne Newton Jessie Hill Frankie Tucker Charlotte Tharpe Judson LaRoche Barbara Weathers Marilyn Ingram Chuck Hamilton Jack Brannen Mathilde Lehmann James Hinton Tommy Garvin Loye Cody John Ford Anna Zabriskie Nancy Congdon Edith Snyder Nan Tinsley Billy Dewey Charles Sheffield Harold Beshears Warren Dempsey Fred Wright Billy Joe Turner Helen Nevin Jimmy Bryan SEN lOR SAYINGS I'm not lazy, I just don't like working, Simplicity and truth dwell in her heart, Her cheerful smile and sparkling personality brightens the day for everyone. The world knows nothing of its greatest men. Back of every man's success there is a woman. And still they gazed, and still their wonder grew, That one smell head could carry all he knew. George Washington has died, Cicero has died. All great men are dying, and I don't feel well myself. Love is a queer thing, Love is dizziness, Love keeps a young man from tending to his business. Her future will be as her present, always smiling. If at first you don't succeed--there's always the river, Its quality that makes a woman, not quantity, Although my brain is no bigger than a flea I'm not so bad off--look at thee! She looked meek, but she was not meek at all, Engaged in Conversation from dawn to dusk. Give me a shove and I'll mow'em down. Who does not love wine, women and song, remains a fool his whole life long. If silence were golden, I would be a millionaire, Still water runs deep. Somewhat quiet, somewhat shy, For the life of us we don't know why, Describe me if you can. I'm happy as I can be, for I never trouble trouble until trouble troubles me. Such sweet shyness takes the heart, The wearer of the smile that spells friendship, Is there ought that he cannot do? Though modest, she has determination. It is better to wear out than rust out, His greatest ambition, we regret to state, is simply this-- -to graduate, Old Rocking Chair's got me. Full of fun and mischief too, doing things she shouldn't do. We cannot all be Washingtons, I feel like a fugitive from the law of averages. No, I am not Prince Hamlet nor was meant to be, A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke, Intelligence is a future. Nature made her what she is and never made another. Those in love want no advice. Her pleasant looks and friendly smile, make her life more worthwhile. Judge thou me by what I am, For he is a jolly good fellow. The lad who with his pleasant drawl, always warms the hearts of all. A clever boy in every way, he'll make a great success some day. He rarely has ever sighted common sense. I've taken my fun where I found it, I'm happy and ambitious as a young girl usually is. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
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