Cocoa High School 1951 Yearbook (Cocoa, FL) - Full Access
Bill Gorton c QCQA Bus . Mgr . and Anne Wooten Editor llgso S 1 John Dyal - Literary Tigers Ran GarnP .. • ~a ln ... ln !P.l'. A Re<fLU~s i K art ~pornving Volt ' , fll n.ulds In the s~ ton thl' Til!et'!'t Scoring almo:. 1- took over Smith .!2 ,,lltd after •• rn:~ti•·r 'r•lr> :lay night, the a. oa Darn~>~ (;f!ttmgs anrt .Spooner had r,·~ L{te\ ard ( 'tllt•tt.v rigers coached b:r .< ran pushen to the Stu;ll·t :12. Bob :;1'11011. ••• ~ <~t the elet'ttnn to .vild against the Sto Booth er• ""'"--"le~ r·n~hed over nght --eld Swain mbl'l' 121 h. the Ct•t' "'in their "~"- "ncounter th; ) :trrls for th" Tl' '<'lit- Teat:tters l\.sso~:1<t tJ"I1 tl >C'n. P -;cored t1 \ad pass frflm •:.1111<:: o1·' 111 t.n he ... 'I()One 1• the extra poir e biJnl' M;;r •ant o g ~t11:~•·t 1'0r f. - cling •.t:~~i he .varrior, .;ocoa 85 late in 7 wePk, r."'~ ng < quarter. ~. Joey Prine went sain reite1 ·, <II Bob .t>r nash, had Jones 1 He '1 Cor Gray ne program wll·rl 1 1f his r<' f t1 1 ~ " ' O'i' •.tem1 " ohe ~tate Boar!l ..dt">ll. 3 Tucker 0 te ycnr " H·n, the ne-< •., tot," u~e m 11 • IOI tr~t:hdown . a •. J while for whidt th Ackroyd ( ·.,.. 11 ·uns or 32 1;. and 75 y;trrls. T h f> runnn.t • Greeson, Board of f'uotlt' fn:.h w tl'•n It . ..:ocoa 218 ·''ards ot thl' i •OCa 1,~ callerl :111 "'"' to .... n to> , nt,• ... , 1 ota• d by ttJ ..... , ~~ •:.;suanc!' OJ in b••n ~r~ ate!;, .... t- J •, whkh !'.-ltr _ Ma thews ~ " ~1es 1 ~· ::~ ;,p. ot, D: - J Ling Mad ~OIIt. Sponsor ld Is ue \lacktv the 1ear. ~ COl ;tlw e ha~ ... P.T ;tbr) .he lii.J• Akridge )OSitiOn, 1:-..,._ . • JoE.'y Prme w..ts unable to pl..~a~~!llore lin thts lime onward ' Malone •cilv De • 'E.'!!~pe he entire game. Spoo.. 'P a l<.• n~.L will be made to intf' 'otal of 45 yarn~ et- ··iti.-:enry of Central Brevard i .ings 45. the proposed $1,100,000 5 ct 1• After an exa bond issue. grhn<'~uled for dMiti • 111 of frc('i).O' county In Annual lvember 22 the first quarte ok JVer on the Stl .n~s: ~'~~e~~ ~tated 1''' 1 .:s, De.\ a.i Gct~ing, :racked for <- ~•-.. gam ll mee~i~g t~ ----"'Al. and Artb•11· Mackey ~nCl .(; 'nc Arleo three nl rpp •cal .rl\'w c Fuller Cine r ll o J '-'0' 'tS added 9, and onwntz:. day mght. :>coa -Tigers, Ela 'Ire, and Get- "Good " our best bet. •er the Titur m-. .pooner, aided To get thC':n • """ have to spend, the night 'lY k by ,T. Gould, money fo• Jomer Te have been' win the am J K tt a lalt.IIIJ.: trw : ars :Jr•"""" h r•l t f' r ·iv enaston h 1 f . 1 . . · Brinkley .,.,1 nt ,. 11 ,, 1reo sc oo ac1 1ttes, now we have the lnexln~ .,.,, 'oUI._ hod me .reb.r
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