Cocoa High School 1951 Yearbook (Cocoa, FL) - Full Access

Best Wishes to Class of 1951 Best Wishes J.C.t-tAM I LTON PLUMBING RAYMOND WOMt:NS WEAR Phone 36 Phone 610 Cocoa, Florida 119 Harrison St. Cocoa, Florida Compliments of BAND BOX Compliments To The Seniors •51 Specializing In Hair Styling Scalp Treatment Cold Waves I MART +-lAS GI-FT 5+-1 OP 411 Delannoy Ave. • Cocoa, Florida $1te'tla-'td MUSIC & ART CENTER Invites You To Make Your "Musical Headquarters" at 113 Harrison St. Pianos--Band Instruments and Accessories Phonographs and Combinations Records--All Makes and Speeds Full Line of Artists • Supplies ''Everything in Music and Art Supplies • • 113 Harrison St. .d: 11l~~ ~~ -- Phone 50 Cocoa, Florida