Cocoa High School 1951 Yearbook (Cocoa, FL) - Full Access
~ O\JCf\1\0N \its ~ou ~ Bl\C SER'J\Ct ... as \or careers In P\J. ·t wnere ~merican in the \ie\d ~\ e\e~~~c~~r\d e\ectric \ight genius has gwenh es radio, mo\Jies, and power' te\ep on \ time-sa\Jing, wor\1-· phOnograph~, scores o\I.e abetter, brighter \GURES show that the average high school graduate earns $24,000 more during his working life than one who drops out before graduation ... _,.alii-= COLLEGE GR~DUAIES DO EVEN SEllER! STEINMETZ saving sef'Jices to ~a wor\d in which to \we. Each year more and more high school and college graduates are finding their future with the business· managed electric light and power companies of America. Under the American Way .~ou're free to finish your education along any lines you want... e you're free to choose your own career ... and go as far in it as your talents and abilities will let you - So , 1 t FINISH SCHOOL and then •S tttt tlfA . 111\ sll'l R POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ~ FLORIDA
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