Cocoa High School 1953 Yearbook (Cocoa, FL) - Full Access

(J } Principal MR. J. V. REVELS As the time approaches for publishing the 1953 yearbook, we realize how much work has been done in preparing this book . We are also reminded of those who in previous years have labored to im– prove our annual. The work of for– mer annual staff members is remem– bered here as a successful contri– bution toward the development of our present splendid book. Our sincere thanks goes to the stan· and the sponsor of the 1953 annual for their excellent work. It is fitting that we in– clude the senior class in our rec– ognition of a job well done. It has required the cooperation of the entire class to produce this book. We are glad to have this contribution from the 1953 class as a help in perpetuating the memories of high school days . Those of us who are left behind to carry on in Cocoa High School, both faculty and students, pledge our best efforts to– ward continuing Cocoa High School as a dominant force for good in this community . We accept the challenge to improve the services of the school, and we acknowledge the fact that its effectiveness depends upon how we work and live together . MR. ROBERT ROTH Assistant High School Principal MRS. HARRIETTE WALL Junior High Principal