Deland High School 1964 Yearbook (Deland, FL) - Guest Access

-£! tjo' Jt,<6 ?b J.. o , C1!' <AJcy "' f eLand High School DeLand, "The Athens of Florida" a T Pam Rae, Editor Carolyn Mancl, Co-Editor Holly Mowery, Business Manager l t I J

WE S~(K TH( ~VU~AN<~ <>F' Z~V$ TH€ WI$~0M OF ATH(N( TN( ~OVOVSN($$ <)f! TH( L{S~(k ~<>I>S TH( <<>H~SIAN <>F TH{ ~<>I>S THt <OMM(It<( <>F' Ht~,{~

.Jnt,.oJuclion .............. 1 Jacu ft';/··············· ...... 15 Senio,.~ ..................... 2 7 Jealu,.e .................... 51 Q,.ganizalion~ ........ 6 9 Spo,.f ~ ...................... I ..... 1J n Je,.cfa~ ~men ...... 13 4 AJverli~emenl~ ..... 164 [ 4 ]

Mr. Zeral W. Mallard We, the 1964 staff of the Athenian, dedicate this book to our activities director, :\Ir. Zeral :\lallard. Although he has many duties, he is never too busy to help a tudent in trouble. The day i ne\'er so stormy that his cheerful "Good :\Iorning" on the P.A. couldn't brighten it. Ilis pride in DeLand High is an inspiration to each and every student. \Ye hope this dedication will c>:xpress our appreciation for everything that he has done for the students of DeLand High.

\ TtMI>L< OF L(A~NI. <1 ? c..

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