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6 DR. ANN V. GALE PRINCIPAL \\'hen you consider the faculties which an excellent principal must pos:.es~. you arc .~urpriscd by their diversity. A principal is master of the art of :-.ecing thing~ in\'isiblc to others; possc.~ser of academic skill:. and insight. of scll:rcliann· and courage. of character and zeal for educational work. If you combine all tht:::iL' elemcnb and add to them many more, you will probably haH a fair idea of our principaL Dr. Ann \·. Gale, because only those who ha\'C met her arc able to offer you a lucid picture of her true nature. Dr. Gale ha.:. the aura of a determined scholar in her e:q>rL'Ssion. the thoroughness of a statistician in fulfilling her manifold duties, and in her glance. a splendid torch that she wants to burn as brightly a.-, possible in order to illuminate the future of .\mundsen's students.
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