Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access

"The Colony Men are typical of the folk singing groups that haz·e been organized. They began singing at high school partzes and dances. They are now performing professionally throughout orthem Illinois. "The idea of a hootenanny is to get everyone to join in, at least on the choruses. If, however, you don't know the words, just whistle or hum. Everyone is expected to clap. This past year folk singing has ri en to a new height in popu– larity. Hootenannies were organized throughout the country, in– cluding on a weekly tele\'ision program. Not to be behind the times, Elgin High was the site of se\'eral of these get-togeth rs. The first all school acti\'ity was a Hootenanny sponsored by the tudcnt ouncil. It was held on the step of the DuPage t. entrance to the building. There was no admis ion charge and everyone was in– vited to attend. vera! of our own talented tudcnts led off the program incring such song as "Take Her Out of Pity' and " ruel War." Then the .olony Men a prof ssional group from the Chi– cago area, were featured. Their humor and talent were enjoyed by all. The Hootenanny was concluded with a snake dance through the park to the tunc of "When the aints go Marchin In." Throughout the year hootenannies retained their popularity. The lass of '65 ponsored one late in the fall. After the inging a dance was held in the gym. The Mirror, to be in keeping with the current trend of enter– tainment, featured articles on famous folk singers. Among them were Joan Baez and Peter, Paul and Mary. 6