Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access
The purpo of the '64 cia s council is to organize the class I unctions and activi– tie and to act a a coordinator betwe n memb rs of the cia and members of the faculty. As senior the number of activities be– come maller. There arc only two major acti\'ities that the cnior cia s de,·otes its time to making a uccc . The e ·acti,·ities arc homecoming and the nior Class upper. Bill Deck- President Ph)•llis Hamlin ecretary 91J Luis Cabrera-Vice-President Sally Giesecke-Treasurer ROW 1. Maggie Christ, Gail Kracen, Bill Deck. ROW 2. Luis Cabrera, Boo Wagner, Ma rilyn Thielson, April lsom, Sally Gie– secke. ROW 3. Phyllis Hamlin, Ginny Duewel, Sally Schick, Lin Schwarzwalder, jan Liska. ROW 4. Robin Freund, Warren Zvara, Jim Babcock, Al Rexinger, ed Bode, Warren Heine, Harry ] . Seigle.
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