Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access
Work is started in the girls' gym to improve facilities. The completed remodeling job facilitates wider and better use of the gym. The boys line up for a series of calisthenics lead by Coach Hamra. Thi year there has been a major improve– ment in the girl ' phy ical education depart– ment. The gym wa completely remodeled. The old running track wa demoli hed. A balcony area was provided at the south end of the gym. A new basketball court was put in and the gym took on a complete new look. In a few year it i hoped that a new locker room will be constructed. The boys· phy ical education this year stre ed phy ical fitne . pecial xercises, u h as pu h-ups, pull-up tanding broad jump , and da he are de ign d to develop all around physical well-b ing. Be ide the excrci cs, the boy parttctpate in various other acti itie . Among the e are football, basketball and gymnastic activitie .
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