Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access

65 Officers President Pete Breskovich Treasurer Dick H oot•er Secretary Karin Schwarz Vice President Linda Arnold 65 Clasr Council ROW 1: Linda Lehnart, Linda Arnold, Pete Bres– ko~:ich, Dick Hoover. ROW 2: Cher}'l Lou•er, Cathy Regenberg, Karin Schrcarz. ROW 3: Linda Scarbourglz, Sally Stone, Sally Rich, Sharon Trabert, Connie Zumkeller, Ernie Ra}•burn. ROW 4: 117 The '65 las ouncil is con tantly trying to improve and better itself, while upholding the fine traditions and qualities that have gone \Vith Elgin High throughout the years. While striving to live up to our cla motto "To make the best better," we have participated in many school activities. We started off the year with the building of the class float. We then ponsored the all-school hootenany, the "Hootenany HOP." \ e then concentrated all of our effort on the Junior- enior Prom. During the Ia t half of the year we al o took orne time out for fun while sponsor– ing a booth in the tudent Council Carnival. The Cia s of '65 feels we have had a full and diversified year as Juniors tryinrr to uphold the fine traditions of Elgin High. We hope that during our senior year we will further develop and truly become "The Great Class of '65." Bob Duer, Sue Allmart, Nancy Giles, Carol Morton, Dave Kettner, Dave Slocum. ROW 5: f ohn Ruhl, Jim Meier, fohn Erickson, Bob Bremmer, Dan Barrett, Barry Burren.