Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access

Painting takes a steady hand and a careful eye. The Industrial Arts department offers a wide variety of clas es at various levels of skill. There are courses for the beginner and courses for advanced student . Print shop puts out many of the tickets and proarams for the many acti,·hies of Elgin High. Several of the boys work in shops throughout the city gaining e ·perience while training. As with all other Elgin High courses, these are designed to prepare the students for life after graduation. Elgin has cour es designed to give students the opportunity to dc,·elop practical skills. Some of these are beneficial to the students in the bu ine s field and others for personal sat– isfaction and enjoyment. The Home Economics department teache students how to prepare delicious nutritious meals at a minimum co t. Student in the Art Department gain insight into color, perspecti,·e and balance. Their work is often di pla ·ed in school showcases. The Industrial Arts department is equipped with facilities to train boys in many fields of endeavor. 9