Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access

The secret of good typing is not looking at the keyboard. Correct posture and fingering is also important. Speed and accuracy are important aspects of typmg. Employers and professors look for both. The Elgin High chool Bu ines Department strive to train those student primarily intere ted in ntering the bu inc field after graduation. B ide typ– ing and tenography bu in law and accounting and bookkeeping are taught. The department has an arrangement with th local bu inc m n which allows senior tudents to work in their office a part of their training. The e tudents are excused from chool late in the afternoon and go to work. Th ir employer must r port on the progres th tud nts make. The Bu ine s D partment a) o rve tho e tudent planning to go on to· col– lege. Typing i a aluable skill for ,. ryon . Term papers and a ignment ar much neater typed. Often typed paper ar a requir mcnt. rote-taking i helpful at college too. Profe sor don t alway realize that th y talk fa ter than tud nt can write. 11