Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access
The approach of Homecoming alway brings excitement and anticipa– tion to any chool. Thi i e pecially true at Elgin High. We k before the bi~ orca ion, da. . s and organi7ation bc()'an construction on the float for the parade. The Clas of '64 which pon ored the homecoming acti' itic . had b en plannin()' for the e,·ent since ummer and had cho en a medieval theme. The fir. t official Homecoming activity was the nomi– nation and election of the king and queen. The eniors nominated the candidate . and both juniors and enior participated in the final bal– loting. On Thur day night a Hootenanny and Pep Rally wer held at 1emorial Field. Thi got e,·eryone in th mood for the game the next night against \\'e. t Aurora. Th a . embly Friday afternoon found the O'ym turned into Mead Hall, the dinin()' room of KinO' Maroon' court. His j tor an()' to the defeat of We tus uroriu in the oncomin()' battle. The lord and ladies (king and queen candidate ) were introdu ed to the tudent bod · by Harry eigle. narrator. The rc ult of the election were kept a ccrct until that niO'ht at th game. "I'll drink to that ," says Bill Deck, and he would, too. 12 J-IONJ!;- Ladies: Bonnie Trabert, Sue Schtck, Judy Fe z·rier, Jane Muntz, Candy Wright. Lords: Luis Cabrera, j on Krueger, ] tm Wendler, M ike Goodyear, Bob Winter. ' The court musicians, Bob Herman and jeff Rifken. foretold the outcome of the big battle in song: Alias Hambras and his flock will git•e West Aurorius a mighty shock. They did, too." "The loyal subjects of King Maroon eat their final meal before going forth to meet the enemy."
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