Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access

The parade began at -t:OO from the High chool Park. Led by the las of '64 float, it went through downtown and then proceeded out to Memorial Field. Judgin<T of the floats took place prior to the parade and the result wer made known at the <Tame. The J game began at 6:00 with the young Maroons defending the EH honor against th \ e t urora team. The JV' won the contest with a score of 27- 12. The ar ity team went on to \'i tory by de– feating the Warrior into glorious battle 19-17. The Student Council float depicted a victorious Elgin jestor perform– ing for King Maroon. The float was judged most beautiful. The Elgin fans helped cheer the Maroons on to victory over West Aurora. 13 At halftime of the arsity conte t the queen can– didates were introduced and the winner announ ed. Mi Candy \\ ri<Tht was crown d queen by Mr. I x– ander and Kin<T Jon Krue<Ter wa rowned by Mrs. AI xander. It was mad official by the traditional homecoming ki .