Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access
Can you find yourself? The a semblie at Elgin High are unique m the fact that band, and orchestra and dramatics. A emblic of a more practically all of them are planned, written, and organized serious note are also held. A Veterans' Day A embly is held by the students themsel es. They are held every Friday, ex- to honor those men who served our country. It is traditional cept during grading period at 8:15. They Ia t approxi- to conclude the a semblies with cla s cheers. Each cla s tries mately 25 minutes. A semblies this year included tudent to out-yell the others. Needless to ay the seniors u ually Council Induction a embly Hootenanny a sembly, chorus, wm. Dismissed from assembly, the students comment on the program. After the assemblies, students file out to return to classes. They usually need to be reminded that "This concludes the assembly. You may now report to your first period classes."
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