Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access
.A typical scene m the halls of EHS. The combinations are just for appearances. They don't really work. Here's the way it's done: one. or sueral, su•ift kic/..s, while giL"ing a hard jerk upward on the handle. On the other hand, some students don't have to worry about how to open their lockers. o door! Phyllis isn't reall> mad at Louie. She's just shoa ing him hoa to fight hiS way down the hall to his locker. Half the fun of high hool i the fun and good time with friend . B for and aft r chool i th only time that friend can get t g th r to chat and catch up on the late t go ip. It e m that th b t place to me t i in front of lockers. That way if m thing exciting happen , the won t mi sit. It's after school that the {elias get a chance to talk to the1r girls without having to worry about tardy slips. Once getting the locker open, the problem is deciding a hat books you'll take home. .After that, the problem is finding them, espec1ally if your locker is as neat and orderly as Suzie Much's. Fortunately she has helpful friends.
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