Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access

My Three Angels, b am and B lla perwack, a charming Fr nch comedy taking place in th hop of F lix Ducat I in the p nal colony Fr nch Guiana. Felix al– though a tru ting oul and d voted hu band and father is compl t ly unrcliabl in the fi ld of bookkeeping. The plot becom more inten e when Henri Thochard and his fickl n ph w Paul arrive une ·p ct dly hri tma Eve, to repo e F lix' ill-manag d hop. ow we are confronted by the thr ang I ; convi ts Jo ph Jul and Alfr d who, while fixing th Ducote) ' roof overh ard Henri s lett r of arrival. In the meantime, a letter arrives for F lix's daught r, Marie Loui , from her girlfriend uzanne, which tell of her engagement to Paul. After thi hock Mari Loui e trie to leave for a conv nt but Alfred top her and convinces her to tay. HoweYer Uncle Henri plan to tak inventory in the momino- o Jo ph attempt to traighten up the account book with a bit of 'in pir d accounting.' Unfortunately Henri di cover thi , o to pr v nt the involvem nt of the polic the three angel murd r him with their p t nak , Adolphe. Paul accid ntly touche Adolphe and die too. Thu good force di gui d a vii conquer the force of villainy and et the Ducat I family back on the right course for happine . The three "angels" practice looking angelic fohn Fehrman, Daue Brown, Bob Dickey, Sally Rich, Mark Lohse, Pete Schumann, Adria Holmberg, George Stoddard, Mark Steensland, and Suzy Groeniger.