Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access

The mu ic department, under th leadership of Mr. B ck– man and the dramatics department under the guidance of Mr. Brand combined tog ther to produce the op retta Little Mary un hine. Try-outs were open to all tudents. The tory open at the olorado Inn high in the Rocky Moun- STANDING: Sandy Schmidt, Yvonne Keime, Bev Bestrow, Cheryl Walbaum, Mary jane Orban, Lynn Schu•arzwalder, Sylvia Hart, Linda Arnold, Molly Ackemann, Howard Craker, Elaine Webb, Luis Cabrera, Mike Abernathy, Ray Quiroz, janet Randall, Lynn tains. Little Mary i entertaining the young ladies of the Eastche ter Fini hing chool. he is in dang r of losing her inn which wa bought with the money she saved from selling cookie . The Fore t Rang rs come to her aid and all end happily. Vance, Bea Klotsch, fohn Doss. Forest Rangers: jeff Rifken, Harry Schneider, Bill LaBorn, Rodg Parker, Dale Raddatz, john Larsen, Fred Hagel, Ron Gamble, Pete Schumann.