Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access

The pinatas depicted everything from fat Santas to sea monsters to Fidel Castro. A lot of time and ef– fort zcent into these decorations. Th we k prior to hri tma vacation i alwa exciting and colorful around here. Everyon i in a holiday mood. The pani h clas e add to th f tivitie by con– . tructin~ and di pia 'ing pinata alon~ th first floor hall. Th y ar mad of variou mat rial and ar filled with candy. ' h n th pinata are broken open the candy i eat n. Thi i a hri tma cu tom of th pani h people. All of th lam~·uag cia ar a ign d a certain period during the latter part of th w k in which to carol. Th tud nt walk throu h th hall inging hri tma on in th ir particular language. ft n the e group are accompanied by a violin or oth r su h in trum nt. Th ir voic I nd holiday ch r to the hall . The tud nt ouncil again und rtook th d coratina of a tr e for the main hall. R pre ntativ m t after chool to put ornam nts and tin I on th tree in front of th auditorium. Each cia and organization wcr p rmitt d to decorat any portion of the build– ing. Th cia of '65 wi h d ,. ryon a 'M rry hri tma in big letters hanging from the c iling on cond floor. tud nt ouncil put up a winter ccn in their di pia ca m ouncil orn r. 26