Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access
Mrs. Ritt won an honorable mention with this entr)'. It was z•ery colorful and the most original of all the doors. Several of her students worked on the art work. • \ ' \ \ This simple Santa done in red with white cot– ton, said a big "Hi" to all who passed. He also won an honorable mention. Th Inter- lub ouncil did it part to encourage holiday ch r. It pon ored a D c the Door conte t. Thi proj ct was d igned to get the tud nt and teachers to work togeth r d corating the clas room doors. The rule w r imp) : each cia s– room had to have a door and willing workers. Re pon e to the project was great. Over 80c:f. of th doors were decorat d. Ideas w r very original. Mr. Elb rt room, 205 f aturcd a winter cene compl t with falling now. The now was upplied by a now machine. An igloo wa con truct d on cond floor depicting th orth Pole. A committ of fiv judg d the doors hoo ing on winner and four runner -up. n Friday morning th dramatics and choral depart– ments combined to pr sent the a mbly. hristma ers and th cripture tory t lling the tory of th birth of hri t wer read. Th combined choirs, under the dir ction of Mr. B ckman ang I ction from EI Pe ebre a hri tmas oratorio. The night before they had pre nted thi program for the .public. Thi was the premier high chool performance of this work by Pablo Casals. The winning door depicted Santa Claus coming down the chimney to leave his presents. This room belongs to Mr. Booth. Its color and appropriateness were main factors in the judges' decision. 27
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