Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access
This year the C ..A.A. tennis team competed against other schools. Members are joy Dominowski, Sally Giesecke, Donna Sinn, jessica Youie. KNEELING: Terry Kerber, Connie Pawlowski, Lynn Schwarzu:alder, Mary Clark. The Elgin High School Girls' Athletic Association offers a wide ariety of activi– ties in which any girl can participate. Participation in any of them gathers points for the girl. For thee point she may earn an award at the nd of the year. orne of the activities offered are tenni , trampoline archery, bask tball, and modern dance. The cheerleaders also are a part of G.A.A. An annual activity of this group is a skiing party. This was started Ia t year, and was so popular that it was held again this year. For a nominal f the girls receive tran portation, equipment, safe– ty lessons, and use of the ski slopes. At the end of the year an award breakfast is held. Always an interesting sport is archery. Here Lynn Car– ter, Carol Fredrickson, Mary Hachtel, Sandy Zep– fer, ell Jean Kramer total up points.
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