Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access

Lighting is a big factor of play production for it helps set the mood. Here George Stoddard adjusts the various controls to get the lights at the nght brightness. He is helped by Ron Tur– owski. Because the spring play, The Little Foxes was held too late to meet the production deadline, th tafT decided to have in its stead a page revealing the backstage part of the performance. After the play ha been s lect d, tryouts for casting are held. Then follow week of lengthy rehear– sal . 'Vhile the cast m mbers are rehear ing the vanous crews are at work securing props and selling tickets. Sets have to be constructed, put up, and painted. 35 The actor must look like the character he is portraying. This is achieved through make-up.