Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access

Student Council began the year \ ith an all school hoot– enanny. It al o was in charge of Orientation Day for new tudents. Entering a float in the parade brought Student Council into the Homecoming festivities. A winter formal co-sponsored with Larkin, and a leap year dance were Coun- The purpose of the Social Commission is to plan and carry out social activities of the Council. Members are Gordie Steinway, co– chairman; Chap Wood, Gus Vaughan, Paul Jarvis, Sylvia Hart, Kris Oddsen, Carole Powers, Mary Clark, co-chairman; and Mery Kerr. 42 Student Council officers: Jim Fritz, Treasurer; ]ill Krueger, Secretary; Craig Rogers, Vice-president; Jon Krueger, President. cil's two dance for the year. tudent Council's largest proj– ect, raising money for the student body scholarships, was a carnival. This replaced the usual Slave Day. They co-ordi– nated the efforts of all participating clubs to make the proj– ect a success. The Program Commission is in charge of Orientation Day, Student Council Week, and Student Council assemblies. This year it was headed by Sharon Mursewick and Larry Vincent. BACK ROW: Carla Badgerow, Debbie Malahn, Sue Mickelson. FRONT ROW: Nancy j ohnson, Larry Grupe, Anne Blide, Allison Hodgson, Brenda Jones.