Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access
ROW 1: Susie Schick, Bev Deverell, Kathy Schraeder, Cheryl Behm, Sue Czichki ROW 2. Jean Schartow, Joan Smith, Pat Levey, Valerie Schultz, Marylou Shoenthal ROW 3. Chi Chi 46 Cade, Sally Kennedy, Diane Boggs, Sally Culver STANDING Candy Wright President. The Elgin High Girls' Club promotes friendship, fellowship, and cooperation among the girls of the student body. Throughout the year the club's varied programs of events and projects make it possible for every girl to par– ticipate in the type of activity in which she is most interested. Each year Girls' Club enters a float in the Homecoming Parade. They also held the an– nual Christmas Post Office. Again, this pring the Girls' Club held the turn-about dance in April. The Girls' Club achieves its purpo e through all these and many other varied activities.
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