Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access

Futute Nurses Club ROW 1: Sue Eggebrecht. ROW 2: judy Evans, ]an Liska, Karen Koline, Joyce Ostama. ROW 3: Sally Kennedy, Lynn Carter, Terry Gardner, Carol Heath. ROW 4: Kathy Mullen, Jeanette Johnson, Laura Kane. Future Teachers' Club ROW 1: Barb Fak, Connie Coburn, Kathi Duesing, Mary Hachtel, Nancy Tilche, Connie McKay, Cathy Meskell, ]an Liska. ROW 2: Diane Warnke, Fred Hagel, Cheri 52 fUTURE NURSES OF AMERICA The Future Nurses lub strives to infom1 and assist students in selecting their career in health, also to encour– age students to be health con cientious and an as et in community acti\'itie . Any student, girl or boy, who is in– terested in a health career may be a member. Under the sup rvision of Mrs. Hallet, the Future Nurse Club partakes in many acti\'ities throughout the school year. These are volunteer services at both hospitals, assisting with fund raising organizations, field trips to hospitals and health museums, and sponsoring bake sales. Their offi– cers for this year are ue Eggebrecht president· Laura Kane vice-president; Connie Palowski, ecretary· and Lynn Carter, treasurer. FUTURE TEACHERS OF AMERICA The Elgin High chool Future Teachers lub has par– ticipated in many activities throughout the year. Gue t speakers began the year of numerous activities. Homecom– ing was the next activity in which the members partici– pated. The Christmas season helped inspire the members to 0'0 to a local nursing home and distribut small gifts and Christmas spirit which ended the year of 1963 activities. A guest speaker opened the club's first meeting in 1964. In April, the Illinois FTA convention was held. Later that month the local Field Day was of much interest. losing the school year of 1963-1964, FTA sponsored a tea for newly graduated teachers of colleges which FTA members intended to go to. Johnson, Donna Albano, Rosalie Hagel, Terry Kerber, Barb Beverly.