Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access
ROW 1: Jeff Haller, Gary Lake, jim Huske, fohn Knights, j ack Banwart, Dale Lenart, Don Baxmann, Bill Ryan, Roger Buckhahn, Bob Wienholtz, Tom Leetzow. ROW 2: Jeff Leas, John Baum, Jerry Bruin, Ken Brady, Clarence McGhee, Wayne Corn, Bruce Holmes, Jerry Gieseke, Jeff Humbracht, Ray Rathburn. ROW 3: Marv Elbert, coach; George Cloustan, coach; Glen Lose, coach; Fred Hollingworth, Bud Nickolich, Gary Wagner, Bill Gilbert, Dave Scarbrough, Bob Wahl, Greg Kane, Dan Reed, Steve Laird. 1963 Sophomore Football Record Elgin 21 Proviso West 34 Elgin 21 Rockford Auburn 19 Elgin 0 Wheaton 25 Elgin 0 Glenbard East 33 Elgin 7 Aurora West 8 Elgin 13 Naperville 0 Elgin 24 DeKalb 19 Elgin 0 Aurora East 19 Elgin 7 Larkin 46 eason Record: 3 wins, 6 losses Conference Record : 2 wins, 5 losses "You got to be hard-nosed out there." 62
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