Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access
Left to Right- ROW l-Dan Smith, Phil Strohm, Mike Lay, George HolliS, fohn Coleman, fohn Knights. ROW 2-]im Cowart, Rick Nottolini, Lon Richoz, Charles Warren, Scott Kra– cen, Ja ck Schock. ROW 3-Jim Babcock, Coleman Rogers, Fritz Murray, Tom Dwyer, Jack Hyland, Dan Zamie, Dan Hern– andez, j im Kirkland. ROW 4--Coach Paul Blacketer, Tim Keating, Corby Arnold, Reg Bruskewitz, Bob Shearer, Bob Brem– mer. Elgin High School's wimmers, led by co-captains Tim Keating and Corby Arnold plus some trong support from Junior Reg Bruskewitz, won four of their first five meets and clo ed the season with an upset victory over strong East Aurora 55 to 40. Left to Right ROW 1-Dick Tredup, Terry Liska, Dick Frost, Don Rabe. ROW 2-Sheldon Hemphill, foe Asumende, Bob Auer, Dick Millen, Larry Fleming, Joei Kruse. ROW 3-Coach Calli– gan, Paul Jarbis, Don Dallman, Dave Klien, Dale Wilkinson, Pete Breskovich, Wayne Schurter, Tony Rohrs. The Elgin wrestlers had to ettle for only three vic– tories in dual competition, but ground has been laid for improvement in future years. Wayne churter was chosen most aluable by his team mate , and Paul Jarvis was elected captain of the squad. Reg Bruskewitz scored 127 points out of a total of 682 team points, and he went down state. ROW l - fack Banwart, jim Huske, Jim Whiting, Larry Miethke. ROW 2-]im Weichart, Don Banwart, fohn Rosmarin. ROW 3- Bill Ryan, Jeff Humbracht, Jim Achilli, Bob Messman, Coach Al Hamra. 66
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