Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access

ROW 1: Dick Wolf, john Ruhl, JJzll Deck, Bob Beveriy, Robin Freund, Al Rexinger Jim Crawford, Jack Benson, Coach Galligan. ROW 2: Dave Rudin, John Lobianco, Horst Bansner, Allen Rabe, Harry Siegle, Gordon Steinway, Mike Berna. This year's tennis team can look fon.vard to a good season. With several returning lettermen as a nucleus, Coach Galligan has a promising outlook. Early practice has looked good and the first meets showed the Elgin netmen to be capable of meet– ing any opponent. KNEEL! G: Lynn Vance, Tom Jacobs, Tom M eLdau, Russell Rohrs, Coach Galligan. STANDING: George Stoddard, Dave Williams, Tom Kirchner, Paul Fehrman, Ra)'mond Rath– burn. 73