Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access

ROW I: Tom Ak~mann, pr~sid~nt; Bob Bau, l'ic~-pr~sid~nt; Mr. Chesbrough, Al Rexinga, tr~a ura; jim Coleman, secr~tary; Paul Grwom, Ed S~iman, Bob Wilson ROW 2: Ed Shock, Harry ~igle, Robin Friend, Gus Vaughan, Bob Bel·erley, Chapp1~ Wood . Pet~ Br~skonch, Dat·e Brou•n RO\ 3: Bill Deck, Ron Banwart, Larry ''E.', Grupe, Don Dallman, Jim Crawford, Bob Du~r. Mike McClaine ROW 4: Corby Arnold, Paul ]an•is, Don Van Duesan, jim Wendt, ]on Kru~ger, Larry Kasper, Randy Meyer, ]o~l Krus~ RO\ 5: Luis Cabr~ra, Bob IVinter, Cordi~ St~inway, Terry Mondy, ]1m W ~ndler, Bill W~gmann, Dan Barrett, jim Hag~low. Elgin's varsity lettennen club known as the "E ' lub, had a very ucce ful and ventful year. l.Jnder the I ad rship of Tom Akemann pr ident, and Mr. h brough, ad i or the boy und rtook \'era) new proj t . Th first of the e wa the sale of 'Roll the Royal " button prior to the Elgin-Larkin football gam . Their next proj ct was the ale of Elgin High weat hirt . Th y al o spon or d the "E" lub- 'L" Club and Elgin-Larkin fa ulty ba ketball game. The rea on for the tre on money making projects was to pro\'ide funds for th purcha of Maroon trav ling blaziers for the athletic team . 78