Elgin High School 1964 Yearbook (Elgin, IL) - Full Access

The fine work and achi vement accompli hed by the Board of Education ar dir ctly a. ociated to th alertne s and harmony of th board m mb r . They h lp in a never nding ta k, that of ducating the youth of Elgin. Due to the men, Elgin continue to have one of the high t ranked school sy tern in our state. Amana many oth r re pon ibiliti they mu t elect our admini trator and faculty m mber . The tudents, faculty, and all who hav anything to do with th El in Public chool y tem can con ider them eh·e very fortunate to ha' e such an able and int lligent hool board. SE TED: Dr. Richard Pou•e rs, Willard Beebe Ashley Arnold, Orrin Thompson, Superin– tendent of Schools; Elwood Thomas. STANDING: Paul Wilkinson, Richard Stettner, Ted Akemann, Charles Witham, Donald Barber. 8 l