Thomas Wootton High School 1975 Yearbook (Rockville, MD) - Full Access

tain 4; Softball 2, manager 3; Pep Band 3, 4; J.V. and Varsity Wrestling Manager 4; Twelfth Night 4 DAVILA, MARTICA Homeroom Delegate 1; Pom-pom Squad 2 DAY, RICK Homeroom Delegate 3; Varsity Football2, 3, 4; J.V. Basketball 1; Varsity Basketball 2, 3; J.V. Baseball 1; Track 2, 3, 4 DELANOY, JESSE Madrigals 3, 4; Talent Show 3; National Merit Semi-finalist 3; J.V. Football 2; Varsity Football 3, 4; Track 3; J.V. Wrestling 2 DICKEY, KARLA Pep Club 1; Ski Club 2; Majorettes 2; Stage Crew 2 EIKENBERY, STACY Class of '75 Planning Committee 3, 4; Spanish Club 3, 4; Stage Crew 3; Spanish Honor Society 4 EISENSTADT, WILLIAM Bridge Club 2, 3, President 4; Literary Magazine 2, 3, 4; Track Team 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 4 ETIENSON, SUSAN Drama Club 2 FALCI, JILL Class of '75 Planning Committee 4, Secretary 3; J.V. Cheerleader 1, 2; Varsity Cheerleader 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Thespian Society 3, 4; Wizard of Oz 2; Deadwood Dick 2; Rally Round the Flag Boys 3; Annie Get Your Gun 3; Talent Show 1, 2, 3; The Great Cross Country Race 3; Performing Arts Program 4 FALCI, SCOTI Class of '75 Planning Committee 1, president 2, 3, 4; S.C.O. Treasurer 1; Ways and Means Chairman 1; Financial Committee Chairman 1; J.V. Football 2; Varsity Wrestling 1, 2, 3, captain 4; Gymnastics 4 FEDOROWICZ, CATHERINE Class of '75 Planning Committee 4; Choir 2, 3, 4; Pom-pom Squad 3, 4 FEITH, GREG S.C.O. 1, 2; J.V. Football 2; Varsity Football 4; Varsity Baseball 4; Track 4 FERRIS, VINCENT DECA 3, 4 FIELS, JACQUELYN Class of '75 Planning Committee 2; Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3 ; Forensics 2; Wizard of Oz 2; Rally Round the Flag Boys 3 FLENNER, ED Class of '75 Planning Committee 4; Varsity Foot ball 1, 2, 3, co-captain 4; J.V. Basketball 2 FOWLE, ELIZABETH Class of ' 75 Planning Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Pom-pom Squad 4; Pep Club 4 GARDNER, JAY J.V. Basketball 2; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; Manager of Basketball 3 GARLAND, CAROL Girls' Chorus 1, 2; Softball 1, 3, 4 GARRIGUES, LAINE Swim Team 3, 4 GENAU, MARGE Class of '75 Planning Committee 4; J .V. Cheerleader co-captain 1, 2; Varsity Cheerleader 3, 4; Co Council 2, 3 GERRAN, LESLIE Class of '75 Planning Committee 1; Red, Black and Green Club 4; Drama Club 1; Track 3, 4 GESCHEIDER, LAURIE Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3; Madrigals 3, 4; Rally Round the Flag Boys 3; The Crucible 4; Twelfth Night 4; Drama Award 3 GIBSON, KAREN Forensics 1; Thespians 1; Volleyball 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2; Track 2 GREENE, REBA Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 2, 4; J.V. Cheerleader 1, 2; Red, Black and Green Club 4; Pep Club 1; Track 3, 4; Vol leyball 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4 GRIFFITH, SERENA Girls' Chorus 1; Choir 2 GUERRA, MIKE Varsity Soccer 3, 4 HAMMER, SARAH French Club Vice President 4; S.C.O. Repre sentative 2; Soccer 2 HARTFIELD, NANCY French Club 3, 4 HAWLEY, JOE Class of '75 Planning Committee 4; Publicity Chairman 4; French Club 3, Treasurer 4; German Club Presi dent 3, 4; " It's Academic" 2, 3, 4; The Crucible 4; NEDT 4; NMSQT 4 HICKS, LARRY Newspaper 4