Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

Students Design, Build Ideal Homes Ironing out the difficultie of runnina a household en– terpri ing Home Art girls cultivated their inherent tal~nts. Their family care in truction included both nutritional and psy~hological. aspects. St~dent~ learned how heredity and environment mfluence children s physical and mental char– acteri tics. lndi pen able were the pointers on how to handle p:oblem children. After ewing coats, suits, and dresses, the girls mastered a home-furnishing unit. lndu trial Arts architectural tudents designed, constructed, and land caped cale model of the homes of their choice. In mechanical drawing cia rooms, Whitmanites transferred fuel pump from the automobile to the drawing board. Electrical circuits, radio , and vacuum tubes were created in the electricity labs. Print hop artists produced posters to publicize chool event and printed tickets to all home athletic events. - helia Albin' architectural draw· ally Bell hum along with her inger. MR. ALBERT G. FIORILL Printing I, II; Vocational Printing; Chairman, Indu trial Art Department; Photovike a(ety Committee 1\IR. PAUL H. HARTMAN Electronic ; Radio-Tel vi5ion Repair; Pr -Engi– neering MR. A THO Y TAVA Kl, JR. Mechani al Drawing I, II; rchitectural Drawing ; Var ity Ba eball; ar lub MR. JOEL YATE abinet ;\laking I, 11 ; ~Iechanical Drawing I 1\IR . MARGARET TREBER Ilorn rt ; dvanced loth– ing ; eni r un ey; hairman, Home rt Department; Fu– ture Homemaker of America