Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

:MR. GEORGE BEI~t Driver' Education; Var ity , cccer :MR. WJLLIAM II. DARGERT Phy ical Edu ation; Vt•r~ity Ba. ketball; Country; th letic Director lUI JANET Y. DAVID 0 Phy ical Education; :\lajorelle~ MR • GLE ORE H. DETWILER ar ity ro_ Physical Education; Cha irman, Physical Education Depart· ment; Girl ' port As ociation MR. G TAV D. FER Driver' Education; Chairman, ment; Var. ity Wre tling :MR • NANCY C. GRAY Physical Education; Cheerleaders 1r Judo and Dodges Charge \\?;hit,a.,a.~ Swinging purses above their head and practicing a tab– bing technique with high heels, the enior girl in Phy ical Education cla ses learned the art of self-defense through the ba ic of karate and judo. The new two-\ eek unit pioneered for the county at Walt Whitman shortened the four-week ore-muscle agony from "slimnastik " to only two weeks. Girl also played the traditional field hockey, ba ketball, .and softball and enjoyed individual sports uch as archery, ten– ni , and golf. ot wanting to be injured victims of the girl ' judo, the boys' Phy ical Education cla es kept in hape by running laps around the field before participating in sports from football, occer, and basketball to volleyball, wrestling, and gymnastics. ~IR. STALEY JACK ON More Whitmanites tion both becau e of Charger and Dodge C pa sed State Law. Th was raised from six e could receive permi cour e in Driver tea ' pounding heart , st e Workbook a ignme ts o ence to teach tudents was never a peaceful m ers since anything wa of a parking tanchinlli~G./tnre (such as R for RACE!). Phy ical Education; J un– ior Varsit y Football; Jun· ior Van,i ty Wre tling ; Var ity Track MR. JACK LO DE BERG Phy ical Education; A· i tant Var ity Football MR. RO IE B. PETER Ph y ica] Education; Chairman, Phy ica] Edu– ca tion Department; Jun– ior Varo,it y Football; Jun– ior Var ity Basketball MR . A E RIPLEY Depart- Ph y i c a I Education; Modern Dance Club In the last seconds of the quarter, the white Rover blocks the red pinnie Forward from making the deciding basket.