Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

Prom, Graduation Straight from London via the Baltimore-Wa hington Parkway, rock and roll inger , the Hollies, perfonned at the Senior Class Concert to an audience of several thousands. The pre entation of the Hollies and three local rock and oul band con tituted the major fund-rai ing activity of the Senior Cia . Seniors found fall days growing alarmingly short as they hurried to mail college applications and tran– scripts on time. Graduation announcements designed by the four cla officers were elected and ordered. To provide a change from bake ale and to enrich the cia trea ury, e~iors sold Whitman garter at Homecoming and during lu.nch. The blue satin, lace-trimmed garter , in cribed in black with the letters "WWHS," were an immediate success. During the econd emester, attempt to combat "Senior Slump" became more and more feeble as spring and Senior Week approached. Before the antics of Senior Week came the long-awaited Prom. A soul band, the El Corals, serenaded eniors in the Per ian Room of the Marriott Hotel. Finally on Graduation ight, the 67 Viking became alumni. "It's not the ign, it's the Pyle sweatshlrt that's hurniliat· ing!" laments Nancy Webb on Slave Day. ENIOR CLA COUNCIL Seated: K. Pollard, I. Lanzano, M. Jacob , . Vincent, S. Cortwright, S. Haney. Second Row: B. Ritter, J. David on, D. Harvey, A. Gudelsky, J. Cockrell, L. Huddleston, R. tavi ky, V. hankie. Third Row: S. Lyman, M. Waksberg, T. Bornet, . Albin, Diamond, D. Pctrou, T. White, W. Fischer, M. Kurcias.