Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

Advanced Composition Course Attracts LI DA DAVI DECA, Vice-Pre ident 12 TPPUANIE DAVI WILLIMI DALE Key Jub 10, 11, 12; Clas Trea urer 10; Hi-Y lub 11, 12; The Firebugs; Drama Club 12; Ia, ctivitie Com– mittee 11; Junior ar ity Ba. kctball Team, ).lanager 10; Tri-Tilt 11; ational Honor ocicty 12 AM EL DA DY ar ity Football Team 11, 12; Var ity Ba cball Team 10, 11, 12; Junior ar ity Football Team 10; adty Club 12; Che lub 12; ki lub 12 PA L DA KO ,'\lountainccring lub 11 PETER DA KO 1ountaincering Club 11 DARLE E D'A TON Tran fer 12; FBLA 12 JAME DAVID ON Key Club 12; wimming and Diving Team 11, 12; Gym– khana Troupe 10, aptain 11, 12; Car Club, Pre ident 11, 12; Cia Council Repre nta tive 12; Var ity Track Team 12; Varsity Wrc tling Tam 11; ar ity Club 12 Cia Welfare Committee 10, 11, 12; Drama Club 10, 12; G A 10; Wel ommittcc 10; Honorary Art ciety 12; G Reprc entative 12 BRE DADA 0 DE , Trea urer 12; FBL 10 CY THIA DAY CEA 11, 12; Wei Committee 10; National Honor ociety 12 JAME E. DAY Citizen hip ommitt e 12; G Iter- nate RPpre~entati~e 11 J DITH C. DECKER ational Honor oci ty 11, 12; FTA 11, 12; Library Club 10, 11, 12 "Of cour e, if your tory doc n't have a plot, main character, or theme, then you have a problem," l\fr . Elizabeth Lechlit r explain to h r dvanced Compo ition Clas .