Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

PHYLLIS n. HARAB Black and White, Exchange Editor, Circulation Manager 12; Wel Commillee 11, 12; Folk lusic and Guitar Club 12; Drama Club 11, 12; Medical Career Club 10; FT 10 DAPHNE HARDEN Saga 11, pori Editor 12; Civinette 12; Quill and croll 11, 12; AFS Talent how 11, 12; Wei Commiuee 12; F ommillee 12; enior Cia Concert Committee; Prom Commillee 12; Class Publicity Commillee ll; G A 10, 11, 12; ki Club ll JAME HARDY SGA Representative 10; Concert, Marching Bands 10, II, 12; Dance Band 10, 11, 12; Treasurer 11; Interact 11, 12; ational Honor Society 12 HOLLIS A. HARGREAVES FTA 11, ecretary 12; enior Class Concert Committee; Cia Activitie Committee 11; Wel Committee 10, 11; G A 10; Girl ' Choir 10 NANCY HARTMAN Pep Club 11, Vice-Pre ident 12; Tri-Hi-Y Club 11; CEAC 11; Drama Club 11; Cia - Publicity Committee 11; In– chool Publicity Committee 10 DIANE HARVEY Cia Vice-Pre ident 11; Ia Council Repre entative 12; alional Honor ciety 11, 12; ational pani h Honor o– ciety 11, ice-Pre ident 12; Keyettes 11, 12; AF Talent how 11; AF Committee 11, 12; Tri-Hi-Y Club 11; ki Club 11, 12; G A 10; Pep Club 10; Cia. Publicity Com– mittee 10; Honorary Art ociety 12 Canned Food Drive HIRLEY IJATCHER Tran fer 12 SUSAN HATFIELD Wei Committee 12; nior Cia Concert Committee; Cia s Project 11, 12; Tri-Hi-Y Club 11, 12; C A 10, 11; Inter– national lub 10; Pep Club 10 BARBARA HAY G 10, Vice-Pre ident 11, Pre ident 12; Girls' Honor Hockey Team 11, 12; Girl ' Honor Ba kctball Team 10, 11, 12; Girl ' Honor Volleyball Team 10, 11, 12; Girl ' Honor oft ball Team 10, 11; ational Spani h Honor Society l2 ARTHUR J. HAZE Wre tling Team lO; Cia Acti ities Committee 11; Track Team 11; Var ity Club 12 LINDA REAGEN Black and White 12; Tri-Hi-Y Club ll; Girl ' Choir 10, 11, 12; G A 10 JUDITH HELM AF tudent to France; AF Committee 11, Chairman 12; Saga chool Life Editor 12; National French Honor Society 12; Civinette 12; ki Club 11; G A 10, 11 CARL HENRICKSON Clas Activities Committee 12 DJANE HERD Honorary Art ociety 12; Out-of- chool Publicity Commit· tee 11, 12; enior Class Concert Commillee; Ski Club II, 12; Guys and Dolls; Where's Charley?; The Firebugs; Marching Band 10; Concert Band 10; CEAC 10 ~lARK HERNDON Track Team 10; Car Club 12; nior Class Concert Com- mittee 129