Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

Traditional ~~c· 1ve Me An ROBERT KAY Junior Var ity Wrestling Team 10; Var– sity Ba ebalt Team 11, 12; Tri-Tilt 11; SGA Repre entative 10; Junior Var ity Tenni Team 10 KEVJN KELLEY Tran fer 12 MARTHA KEYS Archaeology Club 12; CEAC 12; Prom Committee 12; National Honor Society 12 RICHARD KEYSER (Noe Pictured) GEORGE KING LEONARD KINLAND Che Club 11, 12; Medical Careers Club 12; National Honor Society 12 MILA KIRSTEIN enior Cia Concert Committee; Guid– ance Office As i tant 12; Advanced horus 11; Pep Club 10; Graduation Committee 12 S!'' Inspires Cheerleader Mary Ann Phelps urges the team on-"Oh, yeah!" at the first pep rally. BERYL KLINE GSA 10, 11, 12; Wei Committee 11, 12; Medical Careers Club 11, 12; enior Cia Concert Committee REINHART KLUETER Che Club 10; cience Club 10 AMY KOELLING SWel Committee 10; DECA, Pre ident 12 JANET KORD GA Representative 12; Gymkhana Troupe 10, 11, 12; Orche tra 10; G A 10, II, 12; CEAC 12 RICHARD KOTZ Junior Var ity Tenni Team 10; Var ity Tenni Team 11, 12; Interact 11, 12; Varsity Club 11, 12; National Honor Society 12 KIMBALL KRANTZ Varsity Football Team 11, 12; Junior Varsity Wrestling Team 10; Concert, Marching Bands 10, 11, 12; Orchestra 12; Guys and Dolls; Where's Charley?