Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

Student Panel Drills ·· ure we can draft the girl , but what will we do with them once we have them?" respond General Lewis Her hey to a ques– tion posed by one of the panel. JONATHAN MANN A DRE MARCHANT TERRY A. MARGULI Tran fer 11; CE C 11, 12; Drama lub 11, 12; AF ommittee 12; The Firebugs BETH MARLOW Porn Pon Team, Co-Captain 11, 12; Keyettes 11, 12; Tri-Hi-Y lub 10, 11, 12; AF Committee 10, 11; G A 10, 11, 12; Girl ' Honor Volleyball Team 11; Tri-Tilt Cheerleader 11 JAME ~lARTI Concert Band 10, 11, 12; Marching Band 10, 11, 12; Bridge lub 11 THOMA ~fATZKIN Quadrangle Development Proj ct, Chair– man 11, 12; itizen hip Committee 12 General Hershey CAJ.VIN II. LOWE afety IJmmittee 11, 12 ALLIE LOWEN TEl Bridge Club 10, 11; ationa] Honor Society 12 EVA LUND TROM Tran fer 11 TEVE LDfAN Cia~ ouncil Repre entative 12; Var::.ity Football T am 11. 12; Junior Var ity Football Team 10; Varsity lub 11, 12; Civitan lub 10, rg ant-at- rm 11, 12; W :\1 ommitte • 12; Out-of- ch ol Publicity ommittee 12 MARY MALCOLM Keyette 11, 12; AF Talent how 11; '\ I ommittee 11, 12; Cia Activitie Committ e 11; las t e 11; nior Cia Concert Committ e RICHARD MAUTZ WALTER MALLORY (Not Pictured) National Honor Society 12