Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

Conspirators :\£arty Bennett and Chris Goodwin contrive a plan to convince the administration of the uselessness of final exams for Seniors. JOHN M. STOWELL Interact 11, 12; WAM Committee 11; Boys' Choir 12; Blade und White 12; Car Club 12; Archaeology Club 12; SGA Representative l2 DAVID STRINGER (Not Pictured) PATRICIA STUARDO JERRY STURNER Modern Music Ma ters 12; Orche tra 10, 11, 12; Junior Varsity Wrestling Team 10; Marching, Concert Bands 10, 11, 12 PATRICK SULLIVAN Varsity Cros Country 12; Mu Alpha Theta RHONDA SURLES Tri-Hi-Y Club 12; enior Oas Concert Committee STEVEN UTHERLAND Boy 'Choir 10, 12; Golf Team 11, 12 ROBERT UTTON Golf Team 11; Citizen hip Committee 12; Car Club 12 TEPHEN TALKES VafSity Wrestling Team 12 DALE TANNER Gymkhana Troupe 10; Porn Pon Team 12; Modern Music Ma ters 10; AFS Talent how 10; Advanced Chorus 11, 12 SGA Parliamentarian Fred Feller pleads the Thirteenth Amendment as auctioneers drag him away at the SGA Slave Auction. SGA and Senior Class