Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

180 Whitman's Larges Seven hundred twenty nervou Sophomores packed the fieldhou e in early September to hear Dr. Shaw and SGA officer welcome them to Whitman. After the ophomore Orientation they rapidly adju ted to high chool and enthu ia tically participated in Viking club and athletic activitie . Ele ted early in the fall the cia offic r undertook th con id rable ta k of uniting the large t cia in Whitman' hi tory and building a healthy bank account. upplementing the income from the ucce ful Valentine Dance, ophomore planned bake ales to attract the appetit and nickel of hunary Vikings. Recognizing advanced kill in French, the language de– partment for the fir t time offered French IV to ophomores. A new B C cour e of tudy expanded the biology curric– ulum. EDT te t admini ter d in the winter were the oph– omor ' initiation into the long and fru trating proc of college admi ion . Hom coming prince Li a Jolm on goodnaturcdly _a]ute her ophomorc rna ter on Slave Day.