Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

CEAC Hosts Film Series and Speakers eking "ider kno\\ I dg of th problem onfron tin.,. toda ' l na~er . th ultural and du ational li\ 1l1 ommitlee p n~ red an a_ embly on th draft \\hi h f a- lured G neral L \\ i II rsh a gu l p ak r. rea on- f r nc on r li.,.ion and ivilization enabl d Whitman Ludent to di u_ id a \\ ith pupiL fr m other ~ hool . ~Ionthl) " omina tion"' bull tin in- formed _tudent of film and pia · nted in th Wa h- in!rton ar a. E ~lud nt-ral pro.,.ram made it po~ ible for inter ted lud nl to all nd th e a Li\ itie . Barbara Wool hairman, E CEAC Front Row: llen, J. Hom, L. Oberndorf, 0. Gelman, A. Palmi ano, B. Wool, C. Badgley, A. Musher, J. Morrison, J. Payne, M. Wolff, L. Williams. Second Row: W. Webster, G. Hokanson, A. b iege E memb r Warni Web, t r a h ell ic' performnn e r /Jamlet. H r h, K.Theozaua, . Day, E. Winkler, C. olomon, B. Lechliter, D. Baker, M." ribn r. Third Row: B. Loub rt, R. athan, f. Gelman, l\I. F ldman, B. Roth, T. White, R. Forre t, T. 1 el on.