Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

A. Biren, J. Rollow, K. Crown, E. Gilp cr, E. chocnfcld. To Meet Deadlines Work on the 1967 Saga beaan while tudents were till autographina the end paaes of their new 1966 yearbooks. With only an occa ional interruption for a birthday or Chri tma party, the taff worked indu triou ly from June to the· next pril in a non· top race to meet the yearbook deadline . During the umrner and fall, taff member at– tended erninar at four univer ities to learn the newe t technique of yearbook production. By ptember the taff had decided on ba ic change over Ia t ear' book. After tudying Time-Life layout and pub– lication concerning yearbook , the editor made ignificant alteration in layout tyle, type and headline ize, and copy technique . An additional thirty-two page allowed expan~ ion and more creativity in everal ection . The Columbia chola tic Pre A ociation awarded the 1966 aga a fir t cla honor rating. Three deadlines, in ovember, January, and March, erved a auideline for the production of the 272-page book. At each deadline the taff mailed about one hundred pages of copy, headline pictures, and layouts to the printers in Texa . taff member and editor , munching pretzel and fingernail , worked endle hour to tay on chedule. After the March deadline, only a few pages remained, to record pring port and ocial events. With only the la t-minute correction of proof and di tribution of the books ahead of them aga member beaan to plan for next ear's book. Cop) editor Carol Galbreath nwrcilc!' ly demand · f Ellen Horton, " 'trong noun. ! trong 'erb ! Vari d ~ent(•nc tructure! T> p d on a 70· pace lin by tomorrow! ·• "I've got to find another word for 'diver ity,' muse organization ditor Joyce Gasperow, while Prudy Leib truggle over anoth r piece of copy. "OK, you writ football copy, and I'll hake a cake for the Chri tmas party," bargain a~ i tant ditor haron nd r on with Loui.e William~.