Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

208 Whitman's Black & White Wins National Winner of th 1ar land r and :\lar land Gazelle awards, in 1966 Walt Whitman Black and White earned new title~ : a 1 ational ertificate of Honor from the Tuber uloj o iation, an ut tandinp; en ice award from the lont- aomer Count · Tuberculo i ~ ociation, and Fir t Place in the 1 ational Quill and croll conte L A new paper of hiah journali tic caliber, the Black & White wa character– ized b con tant innovation. By u ina new print and chan«ina to a le~ expen i\·e printer the ~taff could afford to publi h the paper e\ery three week . The fir t iaht-paae Black & White in the paper' hLtory appear d · be au~ of enthu ia tic tud nt and faculty r . pone, the taff planned four uch enlaraed i u . To th regular format of ~chool new editoriaL feature , port . and article on national and local i u •, a new column. 'WHITi i~m ,' wa added. n art editor joined the taff. and a new Black & White nameplate de- ign wa adopted. BLA K A D WHITE EDITOR eated (behind table): K. Heymann, . Webb. eated (in front): B. Yondor f. . Jawor ki. tanding: P. Hunt, BLACK A D WHITE TAFF Front Row: J. turc, A. fac doo, L. Otten, L. Heag n. Compo ing biting humor for her Whitman ampler, K ndra H ymann poke fun at college board and cia rank.