Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

CIVITA First Row: R. orne, P. Griffin, J. Rcggia, D. Gilmartin, B. Roc, C. Arey. econd Row: K Baum, J. Fleming, C. Roberts, P. Green, J. Law, D. Miller, M. Conn, C. Cohen. Third Row: D. Powe11, T. White, F. Rubin, 1. Faucett, C. Johnson. Fourth Row: P. McFad· den, . Lyman, H. Lewi , R. Eagan, J. Zubrod, R. Fox. Civitan Campaigns Yield Money and Toys Long hour of door-to-door olicitation yielded Civitan er ice club 120 for the Mu cular Dy trophy Fund. During the Chri tma holiday , Civitan launched a schoolwide 'Toy for Tot " campaign. Student and teacher contributed a total of 200 toy for di tribution to area ho pita] through the Red Cro . On aturday morning five or ix Civitan member , with an equal number of Keyettes, sallied forth on their weekly excur ion to Junior Village. There, young Vil– lage inhabitant were entertained with mu ic, games, and general roughhou ing. Collector for "Toys for Tots" campaign, Jim Reggia carries a car– ton of tuffed animal to the depo itory box in the main office. 216 A young friend at Junior VilJage di cu es the Top Ten with Tony White.